Friday, October 31, 2008


So i know i haven't been on here since ABQ, but i honestly have been so busy. I have definately realized that i just don't have any time for the internet. This is the first time i have even been on since about 4 weeks ago.  I'm very sorry to anyone who comes to my blog and there's nothing new. I can promise you though that i have been having the best time ever during the rest of our U.S. tour.  Here i have put up some pictures from our Halloween party last night. Just for fun :]
      I got to see my family last weekend in Cheyenne, and it was beyond amazing. It really felt so unreal because i hadn't seen them in so long. It was so wonderful to be with my family again.  I have realized how much they mean to me and how much i appreciate what they do for me. They are my blood, life and heart.  It was sad that i only got to spend about 24 hours with them, but at least i saw them :] 
     For our community service we have been going into schools and doing our Stand For Peace projects.  I love doing this because it's wonderful to get to teach children about diversity and how we should work together and just getting to represent Up With People and what we are doing!  I love working with kids too, so its just fabulous!  Also i got to work with this organization called community action. I got to help repair and build houses for homeless veterns.  I really felt so helpful during this and like i really made an impact. It's such a great feeling.
     We have a diversity fair tomorrow so i really need to go to sleep.  i hope to write again soon!
We do only have 2 weeks left in the U.S. though.  I can't believe it!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Balloon Fiesta

Honestly i can't even describe to everyone how incredible today was. It is just something that you'd have to be at to understand. All i know is that the Balloon Fiesta seriously blew me away. I mean i was just amazed. I have never in my entire life ever seen something quite like this. It was just the COOLEST thing i have ever experienced. It's so awesome because Hans, Anna, Neele and I got to take part in making this possible for the whole cast. And i can definately say that this will be one memory that the cast will NEVER forget. I mean i personally will never forget this day. Just real fast to explain what happened last night, we had our show at the zoo, went back to our facility, had a sleepover for about 3 hours, woke up to some people screaming at 3am(but the only voice i really heard was Han's LOUD mouth), went to the balloon fiesta (all of us on NO sleep), worked for make a wish foundation, helped lauch and chase balloons, if you were lucky enough GO in an air balloon, go BACK to the event palace for an alumni pot-luck lunch, go home and pass out. That's basically what happened. I am quite happy with how smooth everything went in H.A.N.K.'s city. ABQ was definately beyond fabulous and i am quite sure the cast loved thier week here. The show was at the zoo and it was AWESOME! My cast did so well at the show. I mean it was just one of the coolest places to perform, i think. I mean it's pretty cool to have zoo animals all around where they were performing. There was a lot of people and i was very happy with the results of the show. So many families came and it was just incredible. Espescially to just be able to sit down and watch. Watch my cast. It felt so awesome while i was sitting there watching them perform. I was so proud to say that they were MY cast :] I just love them all so much and i was so glad to have helped set up ABQ for them. I actually am going to write more later because i have a lot to say about my advance work experience, but since i got about an hour of sleep last night, i need to go to bed.
and here are some pictures from the Balloon Fiesta!