This is a picture of the weed pulling group from our community impact day last week. I am kind of late with this but staging has been VERY busy since our first show is Saturday. Anyway for our CI project we worked for the Coalition for the Upper South Platte. This is a group that improves the area in Colorado that was burned by the Hayman Wildfire in 02'. Each group had something different to work on. My was the group that pulled weeds out, which helps clear the land so trees can be planted and not taken over by this weed. I don't remember the name of it, but it was poisonous and i got a very bad allergic reaction from it. This day was very successful though. I really liked the experience. It was our first CI project together. I loved seeing all the teamwork throughout the day.
Good luck with the show on Saturday. I have rarely missed your games, meets or concerts and it bugs me that I won't be there. I will be thinking of you.
Love, Mom
Thanks and I know, and i am so greatful that you have NEVER missed those. This time you will though and thats okay. I love you so much!
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