Last night was our very first dress rehearsal. It went incredible. I had so much fun and I'm glad to know that this is only the begging of our shows and we have many more to come. Before the show the staff did something very special for us and they call it the greenroom. I honestly don't think i have ever had that much fun in my entire life. All of the cast got to run into this room through two lines of the staff and there were streamers and balloons everywhere. Basically this room is for us to get pumped for the show. We played this one game that was ridiculous but so exciting. Up With People has this one tradition where one person writes in a notebook their feelings about another cast mate and passes it on. The book is suppose to be passed on throughout the whole semester. Matt said some very nice words about Gwen and she was so happy to get this. She really is a special girl and i don't know what i would do without her. She had taught me so much this past month. Living with her has been amazing and i wouldn't trade my time i have had with her with anyone else. She has also helped me out so much and i have learned things from her i wouldn't be able to learn from anyone else. Also Kady and Matthew sang this beautiful song that they wrote for Cast B. It was so special. We also got to close our eyes and think back to before UWP and picture ourselves just getting on the plane to come here, our reactions when we got here, who we first talked to, etc. It's amazing how far we have already come and how it's been a month that i have known everyone. I have realized how special every single one of my cast mates are and how they are all my family now. I have everything right in front of me. I have so many opportunities and things to learn the next less than five months. I have had an amazing time in Denver and i will miss it greatly. I have had such an incredible time getting to know my host family. They are seriously like my 2nd family. I feel so lucky to have gotten to stay with them for this month. We leave tomorrow for Breckenridge. I will be taking so much away that i have learned from the Duin family. I really love them and they are very special to me. I will never forget them and they will always be in my heart. As sappy as that sounds, it's very true. But I'm very ready to move on to another place, new sites, new families, i am a little sad about leaving my family here though. But i will be back so i will just be saying a simple "see you later," not a goodbye. I will continue this later, but right now I'm going to spend my last hours in Denver with Brad, Laura, Grant, Gwen and Reese
Also here are 2 pictures from the show last night :]

Thanks for this wonderful post, Kelly. I am grateful that you have this awesome opportunity and I know you will learn and grow and take full advantage of all it has to offer. Enjoy Breckenridge.
Love, Mom
Kelly, Thank's for being such a special part of our lives and sharing yours with us. The month really went much faster than I thought and now my trips to work are so long and quiet without the laughter of two girls to keep me company. You are such a special and gifted young woman and I know you will bring joy and happiness to so many other families but I am thankful for the chance to be your first host dad. With love, Brad
no, thank you for being the amazing host dad you are! :]
i already miss your humor and i miss laughing at all of your jokes, even if i was the only one who thought they were funny.
You are also a very special part of my life and i will never forget that, ever!
love, kelly
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