Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hola mis amigos!

Hello everyone!

I`m so glad i am finally able to have access to the internet for once in Mexico.
I don`t have much time so, i just want you all to know that i am having an unbelievable time.
I am in Cabo San Lucas right now and we leave for Tepic tomorrow. The most important thing i would like to say is that i really can see my cast as Cast B now. We have really helped so many people, the communities we are in, and each other these past couple of weeks. I feel so great about everything. Our show has definitely improved. Happy Birthday Lexi by the way! She`s 18 today. Also, my host sister Johanna is turning 17 tomorrow!
Thats all for now! Thanks mom for helping me out with blogging.
:) It´s hard when i don´t have the internet!
love you all!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I just read your past posts and it is so cool to find out about all that you are learning. You seem to just be having so much fun. I am so proud of you for doing this. You are such a cool girl. I miss ya.
