Friday, November 28, 2008

Gawad Kalinga Taguig Village

I´m having a little bit of a difficult time right now. I am having a constant battle in my mind that of which is between wanting to just go home or stay here. I feel as if i am just so ready to go home. I am so tired mentally and physically. I am ready to have a normal life again, sleep in my own bed, have my own schedule, be with my family and everything else that has to do with Belews Creek. I think about how home is just around the corner and that makes me just ready to go back to my family and friends there. BUT then there is Taguig village which in fact has a piece of my heart. This place is what is in fact keeping me sane while being here. The people are so loving and welcoming. The kids make me incredibly happy and i want to take them all home with me( i know i said it in my last post too, but im serious). I feel as if i have established this amazing connection with this village that i am not at all ready to leave.

I do think that this amount of time left (a little over 2 weeks) is perfect though.
I do also think that it feels impossible that our tour is almost over. I cant believe that the end of Cast B 08 is over in 2 weeks. I have many feelings about this that i don't feel like writing about them because i just want to make the most of these next weeks and get everything out of it i can and not talk about leaving until it happens!

So just a random thought, but i just want everyone who reads this know that everyday counts for something and you should never waste it.


Monday, November 24, 2008

The Incredible Philippines

So i am now in Manila, Philippines and it is just mind-blowing.
Really, i absolutely LOVE it.
Except for the fact that the first 4 days i was here i happened to catch strep throat on the plane maybe. Lets see, but where to start. Well on our journey here we left Monday and got to Manila on Wednesday, so we got to skip a whole day of our lives. It was pretty interesting too because it was Shawna's birthday! When we go there i already knew i was going to like it because the weather is just wonderful. Anyway, on with this blog. Basically the driving here is crazy! I felt like i was going to die trying to cross. Mcdonald's delivers, the shopping here is extremely cheap and the people here are rediculously nice!
I got to my host families house and come to find out, they aren't even Flipino, but Iranian and German! They are very nice though, so it's awesome.
So then i got sick and stayed home for 2 days because i could hardly lift my head off the pillow. I felt so awful though because i just wanted to do communiy service with everyone, but i had to get healthy first.
Saturday was a reagional learning day where we got to learn the history of the Philippines, learn about the people we are helping (, (go check them out, it is just amazing what this organization is doing for the people here.) and interact with one of the villages, and then go to a dinner.
I decided to go even though i still felt sick. I just had to get out of that house and go out and see everything. I just don't want to miss a minute.
So speaking more of our communtiy service, we are working with Gawad Kalinga. A little bit about them, Gawad Kalinga (GK) translated in English means to “to give care”, and it is an alternative solution to the blatant problem of poverty not just in the Philippines but in the world. GK’s vision for the Philippines is a slum-free, squatter-free nation through a simple strategy of providing land for the landless, homes for the homeless, food for the hungry and as a result providing dignity and peace for every Filipino.
I feel so lucky that i get to be a part of this incredible organization and i'm so excited to help out as much as i can.
Today i finally got to go to CI and it felt good to be able to see the village we are helping. (We are all split up into several different groups from the cast and working with different villages.)
It really is so sad though. The difference here in the Philippines is rich or poor. The slums here are just awful. It smells bad, trash is just overflowing in the river, and the houses are made out of anything possible. With the help of GK and volunteers, things can be built into something better for the people here.
The people are so happy that we are here to help. They greet you so greatfully and love to just see you smile at them. The kids are just adorable and i want to bring them all home with me. hahah but i got to interact with the people of the village and teach them dances.

Thats all for now, i'm so very tired.

Friday, October 31, 2008


So i know i haven't been on here since ABQ, but i honestly have been so busy. I have definately realized that i just don't have any time for the internet. This is the first time i have even been on since about 4 weeks ago.  I'm very sorry to anyone who comes to my blog and there's nothing new. I can promise you though that i have been having the best time ever during the rest of our U.S. tour.  Here i have put up some pictures from our Halloween party last night. Just for fun :]
      I got to see my family last weekend in Cheyenne, and it was beyond amazing. It really felt so unreal because i hadn't seen them in so long. It was so wonderful to be with my family again.  I have realized how much they mean to me and how much i appreciate what they do for me. They are my blood, life and heart.  It was sad that i only got to spend about 24 hours with them, but at least i saw them :] 
     For our community service we have been going into schools and doing our Stand For Peace projects.  I love doing this because it's wonderful to get to teach children about diversity and how we should work together and just getting to represent Up With People and what we are doing!  I love working with kids too, so its just fabulous!  Also i got to work with this organization called community action. I got to help repair and build houses for homeless veterns.  I really felt so helpful during this and like i really made an impact. It's such a great feeling.
     We have a diversity fair tomorrow so i really need to go to sleep.  i hope to write again soon!
We do only have 2 weeks left in the U.S. though.  I can't believe it!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Balloon Fiesta

Honestly i can't even describe to everyone how incredible today was. It is just something that you'd have to be at to understand. All i know is that the Balloon Fiesta seriously blew me away. I mean i was just amazed. I have never in my entire life ever seen something quite like this. It was just the COOLEST thing i have ever experienced. It's so awesome because Hans, Anna, Neele and I got to take part in making this possible for the whole cast. And i can definately say that this will be one memory that the cast will NEVER forget. I mean i personally will never forget this day. Just real fast to explain what happened last night, we had our show at the zoo, went back to our facility, had a sleepover for about 3 hours, woke up to some people screaming at 3am(but the only voice i really heard was Han's LOUD mouth), went to the balloon fiesta (all of us on NO sleep), worked for make a wish foundation, helped lauch and chase balloons, if you were lucky enough GO in an air balloon, go BACK to the event palace for an alumni pot-luck lunch, go home and pass out. That's basically what happened. I am quite happy with how smooth everything went in H.A.N.K.'s city. ABQ was definately beyond fabulous and i am quite sure the cast loved thier week here. The show was at the zoo and it was AWESOME! My cast did so well at the show. I mean it was just one of the coolest places to perform, i think. I mean it's pretty cool to have zoo animals all around where they were performing. There was a lot of people and i was very happy with the results of the show. So many families came and it was just incredible. Espescially to just be able to sit down and watch. Watch my cast. It felt so awesome while i was sitting there watching them perform. I was so proud to say that they were MY cast :] I just love them all so much and i was so glad to have helped set up ABQ for them. I actually am going to write more later because i have a lot to say about my advance work experience, but since i got about an hour of sleep last night, i need to go to bed.
and here are some pictures from the Balloon Fiesta!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mexico Pictures

Here are a few pictures from Mexico

At the fire department in Culiacan:]

Playing games with cute kids in a poor area of
Los Cabos.
i have different thoughts about this.

The famous Arch in Cabo!

School boys of La Paz

I thought this was the coolest wall ever.
I took this when i was working with Mobilized Mankind
in La Paz.

La Paz Nursing home :]

La Paz Beach

Advance work

has really been amazing and I'm not ready to leave ABQ. I love it here and i love my host family, the Tuckers. I know i have a week left but i still dont want to leave. But this week's going to be the best week by far, because the cast gets here tomorrow. i miss them so much!
Today at church this guy told me that he was definately coming to our show Friday at the zoo (which is going to be awesome) because we are the future. I thought that was so cool that he said that:]
Thats all for now, but im going to put some pictures up from Mexico since i haven't gotten to yet!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Advance work has been so much fun. I have laughed and learned more than i ever have before!
Plus i love my FMs (Anna & Hans). By the way, we made up a name for us H.A.N.K, which is (Hans, Anna, Neele, Kelly). I dont know what i'm going to do once i'm not with them everyday 24/7.
Last night we had an alumni meeting/dinner. It was so awesome because all the alumni went around the room and said when they traveled and what Up With People did for them. I will never forget, this one lady named Beth said i feel like i am meeting new members of my family tonight that i have never met before. As we were going around and listening to what everyone had to say, i realized that Beth is so right. It's so incredible to realize that all of us in that room had or are going through the same amazing experience. It's like something that only Up With People (uppies we call them) will ever understand. I just had a great time too talking to alumni that have traveled before and listening to thier stories.
We also had two representatives from ABQ journal taking pictures for an article they want to write about alumni, which is totally cool. I'm excited for that and it should be coming out by monday! Anyway i have to get back to work! We still have a few details to finish before the cast gets here! I cant wait to see them! i really miss my huge family :]

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I am finally in the US again! It feels wonderful, but i am really going to miss Mexico. I have gained a lot of great experiences and memories from there. I am already having an incredible time here in ABQ with my advance team. Hans and Anna are so amazing. I have only been here for two days now and its very busy. Each day we always have so much that needs to be done, but our city is really coming along already! We have a lot of fun things in plan for the cast, but of course i can't write them on here because it would ruin the surprise! So i guess i'll have to tell everyone after this city is done! On Wednesday Neele, Hans, Anna and myself went to 3 different elementary schools and read to the students and told them about where we are from and about Up With People. They are so cute and would just raise their hand anytime we asked a question. It was really cool because we got to hang out with Miss New Mexico that morning for a little while.
Today was very busy though. Hans and i went to meet Dan from the ABQ journal and talked about an article he wanted to write and put in the journal. After that all four of us went to a recording studio to talk to them about media and what we want to put on the radio for the show. I found out that Snoop Dogg, Mariah Carey and Outkast have recorded there before. I thought that was pretty awesome.
Tomorrow will be a very long day. We will be at the New Mexico State fair working at a booth for uwp all day. After that i will be going with Hans to a school to teach children our sound of peace song in the show.
Thats all for now because i need to sleep.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Let me just tell you that i have more than you could ever imagine to talk about. First of all, i am in Culiacan right now and it's so interesting and fun! There's just never enough time though to write anything. There's honestly not even enough time to reflect much on everything we take in each day. I always have a million thoughts in my head at once. There is so much that we learn each and every day that i have a hard time even sitting down to take a rest. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mexico though. I have been having the best time ever here. At first i acutally was just ready to leave and go back to the US, because i just was getting so tired of how different it is and how they live here. But really, i was wrong. I love it. First because i get to live with families here, who have all been wonderful and i will never forget, second because it's so different that i have learned so much from it. I really have liked getting to be around the mexican culture for so long i feel like. But it's acutally been shortened for me. I will not be going to our last city Hermosillo or Sahuarita, Arizona. I am going on advance work to Albuquerque, New Mexico!!!
To explain what advance work is a little bit, it's where students who get chosen by filling out an application get to go ahead of the cast and help with the set up of one of the cities in the furture of the tour.
I am so excited about this because well first of all i was very surprised i get to go because there are so many people that sign up and everyone of them are amazing and i know could do it. Also i am greatful that i get to go help the field managers, which mine are Hans and Anna, and get to be a part of all that excitement in setting up the city for the cast. The advance team takes part in finding the host families, the facilities we will be meeting at during the week, the food for lunches for the cast, our community impact activities, everything basically. I know this will be very hard and i will be very busy the whole three weeks i will be there. Also Neele from Germany will be accompaying me :) I personally want to do this because i think i will get so much out of it, something i really don't think i would have ever learned back home or going to college, or at least not to this extent. I mean time management skills, organization, public speaking (and that's one of my biggest fears), just learning to promote the show, there are so many different aspects of advance work that i think will help me out so much in my life when i go back home, for my career, and for my future. So i am very nervous and pumped all at once for this amazing experience!
So i really havent been able to blog at all during Mexico due to interent access problems, but i just wanted to wrap up all the community impacts activities i have been doing. In La Paz i went to a nursing home and got to interact with the people that live there and i work with an organization called Moblized Mankind. Look them up because what they are doing for children and the people here is wonderful! In Cabo San Lucas i went to interact with the students at a school for the disabled. In Tepic i didnt get to do a CI because i was learning about what i need to know for advance work. This week, in Culiacan, today and yesterday, i got to go to a local fire department. Every single one of these CI's have been completely life changing and have open my eyes to so much. But i shortly wanted to reflect on the fire deparment really fast, because it is fresh in my mind. So last week we got to pick which CI we wanted to do(we are doing 9 different ones this week) and i saw fire department and signed up right away. I didnt know what we would be doing or anything, but i just thought it would be a great experience, which it was incredible. At first there were five of us yesterday and we got to the fire deparement and they wanted us to paint, which painting has been a pretty big project we have done during our community impacts, so sometimes everyone is dissapointed. But i honestly at first wasnt that excited. But i started thinking about it and i was like WOW this is where these firemen live and maybe this is something they really wanted us to do. Maybe it would have saved them time for saving a life. I mean because fires are so unpredictable and if they were in the middle of a paint job and a call was made, i mean they would have to stop and i dont know maybe its just somethign they have no time to do. And the walls were somewhat dirty, so i mean i think it might of made living there more comfortable for them and enjoyable. But most important of all to me, is that i felt like wow i feel so special to be doing this right now for them, to be giving them something back for what they do for the community here. If we all remember, tomorrow is a very important day in the united states. It' s the anniversary of september 11th. Can we all think back about what terrible thing happened that day and realize how many people died during that and also how many fire fighters died for other peoples lives? It really is amazing and i respect them so much. And this week while i was at the fire department i realized how important their jobs really are. Also a lot of them take there time to even just volunteer. So i just want to say that it was so incredible to get to serve them, especially on a week like this when tomorrow is such a memorable day. Also i want to thank every single one of those bomberos today :) They were so fun to hangout with even though none of them speak english, we still have a unforgettable time together. They showed their apprecitation by giving us a t-shirt from thier fire department and they took tina, Ilka and I back to meet the cast in one of the fire trucks. It was just wonderful and i will never forget the Bomberos of Culiacan!
Well i really need to go to sleep because we have a show tomorrow(thursday) and also friday as well. Which are also my last shows in Mexico and thats sad because i LOVE shows here. I'll talk more about those later! Thanks for reading this and i will hopefully be able to write more when i get to Albuquerque! I just still have so much to say, but not enough time.
oh and just remember, try to be positive in every situation, because who knows, you can learn from everything.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hola mis amigos!

Hello everyone!

I`m so glad i am finally able to have access to the internet for once in Mexico.
I don`t have much time so, i just want you all to know that i am having an unbelievable time.
I am in Cabo San Lucas right now and we leave for Tepic tomorrow. The most important thing i would like to say is that i really can see my cast as Cast B now. We have really helped so many people, the communities we are in, and each other these past couple of weeks. I feel so great about everything. Our show has definitely improved. Happy Birthday Lexi by the way! She`s 18 today. Also, my host sister Johanna is turning 17 tomorrow!
Thats all for now! Thanks mom for helping me out with blogging.
:) It´s hard when i don´t have the internet!
love you all!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Viva la Gente

Hi, this is Carol-Kelly's mom. I spoke with Kelly on the phone this morning. She is currently unable to blog due to the unavailability of the internet. I promised her that I would post for her. All of the crew are in La Paz on the Baja peninsula in Mexico, Kelly arrived on Monday night. When she called me she said that she was looking out over the pool at the very, very blue water of the Gulf of California. She is staying in a house with four other American girls from AZ, WI, TX & MN. Her host mother is Maggie and she speaks only Spanish.

For her regional learning this week, she visited among other things a cathedral, a gorgeous beach and went jet skiing. She really enjoyed her first community impact in La Paz which was visiting a nursing home. They sang with the residents and she had to communicate entirely in Spanish.

Today they worked with Mobilize Mankind which is a small non-profit organization dedicated to assisting children with physical challenges and limited resources access their environments by recycling used children's orthopedic equipment and assistive technology.

She also did a mini-promo show with 20 cast members on the beach. She said that Viva la Gente is very popular in Mexico and they are treated like rock stars. They even get to sign autographs. Kelly is finding it very challenging but also exciting, communicating in Spanish. She said that her head hurts at night from all of the concentration. She is however, going to attempt to greatly improve her conversational Spanish by the end of her 6 weeks in Mexico.

Their next show is Saturday night and their next stop is Cabo San Lucas on the tip of the peninsula. Perhaps she will have access to the web while she is there. Thanks for keeping up with her.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


is BEAUTIFUL and my host family is so sweet!
That's all i'm writing for now though because it's 1am
and we have our first show on the road tomorrow.

Aly, Neele, Me, Anne Marie, Charlie

Lake Dillon

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dress Rehearsal

Last night was our very first dress rehearsal. It went incredible. I had so much fun and I'm glad to know that this is only the begging of our shows and we have many more to come. Before the show the staff did something very special for us and they call it the greenroom. I honestly don't think i have ever had that much fun in my entire life. All of the cast got to run into this room through two lines of the staff and there were streamers and balloons everywhere. Basically this room is for us to get pumped for the show. We played this one game that was ridiculous but so exciting. Up With People has this one tradition where one person writes in a notebook their feelings about another cast mate and passes it on. The book is suppose to be passed on throughout the whole semester. Matt said some very nice words about Gwen and she was so happy to get this. She really is a special girl and i don't know what i would do without her. She had taught me so much this past month. Living with her has been amazing and i wouldn't trade my time i have had with her with anyone else. She has also helped me out so much and i have learned things from her i wouldn't be able to learn from anyone else. Also Kady and Matthew sang this beautiful song that they wrote for Cast B. It was so special. We also got to close our eyes and think back to before UWP and picture ourselves just getting on the plane to come here, our reactions when we got here, who we first talked to, etc. It's amazing how far we have already come and how it's been a month that i have known everyone. I have realized how special every single one of my cast mates are and how they are all my family now. I have everything right in front of me. I have so many opportunities and things to learn the next less than five months. I have had an amazing time in Denver and i will miss it greatly. I have had such an incredible time getting to know my host family. They are seriously like my 2nd family. I feel so lucky to have gotten to stay with them for this month. We leave tomorrow for Breckenridge. I will be taking so much away that i have learned from the Duin family. I really love them and they are very special to me. I will never forget them and they will always be in my heart. As sappy as that sounds, it's very true. But I'm very ready to move on to another place, new sites, new families, i am a little sad about leaving my family here though. But i will be back so i will just be saying a simple "see you later," not a goodbye. I will continue this later, but right now I'm going to spend my last hours in Denver with Brad, Laura, Grant, Gwen and Reese
Also here are 2 pictures from the show last night :]

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Community impact

This is a picture of the weed pulling group from our community impact day last week. I am kind of late with this but staging has been VERY busy since our first show is Saturday. Anyway for our CI project we worked for the Coalition for the Upper South Platte. This is a group that improves the area in Colorado that was burned by the Hayman Wildfire in 02'. Each group had something different to work on. My was the group that pulled weeds out, which helps clear the land so trees can be planted and not taken over by this weed. I don't remember the name of it, but it was poisonous and i got a very bad allergic reaction from it. This day was very successful though. I really liked the experience. It was our first CI project together. I loved seeing all the teamwork throughout the day.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I went camping last night and it was incredible. I'm extremely tired though and have to wake up early tomorrow. I just wanted to leave a quick note that i love Cast B 2008 and that we are really coming together with our show. It's going to be beyond amazing.
Also, mom, i know you are reading this, so i just wanted to say thank you for being such a big part of my life. I honestly don't know what i would do without you.
i love you mom! I will write more later though because i haven't in a while. I have just been extremely busy. We are leaving Denver in a week and our first show is Saturday! ahhh

Monday, July 28, 2008


Culture Jam

Gwen and i at the reservoir.


Some of the girls from the cast, pretty ladiesssss

This is the view from where my host family is building a log cabin! It's beautiful!

In the van on the way to go White Water Rafting!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dads birthday! YAYYYYYYYYYY! Happy Birthday! :]
We have a two day weekend and its pretty awesome. Today I went to a driving range with Eric and Reese. It wasn't that exciting but i had fun hanging out with them. I found out i suck at golf. Ah i forgot to say what the cast did yesterday. We got to have a tour of the capitol building. In the building there were stairs that had civil war cannon balls on the railing. It's said that if you touch them, you get good luck. Let me just say that i definitely BELIEVE that. Also we had a scavenger hunt in the city and that was so much fun. I loved it because i got to get to know other people that i hadn't really talked to before in the cast. It was a good way to get close to the other cast members :]haha anyway also today i went to linens and things with Laura, Reese and Lindsay and i saw our tour guide from the capitol building. Also Lindsay and i went to sports authority and then the BEST place ever, Rocky Mountain Chocolate store. We bought caramel apples of 3 different flavors and i got fudge. It was like heaven in there. I love the movie 21. Well i really need to go to sleep because we are going white water rafting all day tomorrow. We are leaving at 6 and its a 3 hour drive. goodnight.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

today was good

A rush of different feelings have been going through my head today.
Good ones though. This morning Gwen, Laura, Grant and i went to church.
It was a very nice, but a long service. Also today Laura, Gwen and i went to a resevoir to lay on the beach and swim. At one point Gwen went swimming and we couldn't find her. I went down to the water and i was looking all around. I got so worried. There were a lot of people so she could have been anywhere. Laura told me i worry too much and i really do. So i just relaxed and then she just popped up and i got really happy. haha but she said she went jet skiing with a Brazilian guy. It worries me a little that shes so friendly and is very trusting. I did meet the guy though (i forgot his name) but i ended up going too. He let me drive around the jet ski forever. We tipped it over a couple times. Anyway being there made me realize how much i love the water and Belews Lake. I kind of miss the lake back home. Of course i miss my family too. love you mom, shannon and dad :]

So i saw the new Batman movie friday night with Grant and two of his friends. It was sprung on me though really fast. I was on the train going home and Laura called me and was like well Grant invited you to go to the movies. I never know whats going on.
haha anyway it was fun. The movie was SO long though. Both Grant and i kept falling asleep. I mean he does get up at 4am for work and i wake up at 6am, so we had a reason to fall asleep. I had a good time getting to know him better though.
Saturday night we went to a party for like five birthdays. I learned how to play this game called holey board? It was actually really exciting. I was pretty good for a first timer.

But i'm going to sleep. This weeks going to be longggggg. We will be working on all our songs and dances so much. goodnight!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

the first week

Well I am having the time of my life. Just to put that in detail, I have made friends with so many amazing people from 22 different countries. It's such a great experience being with people from all these different cultures. i have learned so much about them.
This week we have been working on the show. We had modules Tuesday and Wednesday. We were put into groups of like 10 and we had to sing, dance, learn about the technical things, public speaking and show them our costumes. So far i have done so many activities that have taught me to come out of my box. I'm usually a very shy person around a large number of people. I still have been a little shy, but slowly i am opening myself up to people. I sung in front of people, which is something i thought i would NEVER see myself doing. The past two days we have been learning our dances and songs for the show. It's been hard because i have never danced like this before and its quite a workout. I'm not use to it. Especially getting up at 6 am. I have been extremely tired the past couple mornings. I'm sure it will get better though because i think I'm still getting use to my new schedule.

My host family is by far the best ever. They are very special and i am very lucky to get to live with them for a month. I already know its going to be the hardest goodbye i have ever had to make. But i have already decided i am coming back to visit them and they are coming to North Carolina :] Gwen and i have the greatest conversations in the morning with our host day, Brad, on the way to work and the Sherman center. He told us about how great his father was and how he was such a giving man and how motivated he was. I really wish i could have met his mother and father. They both sound like very interesting and greatful people! Just listening to Brad talk about his mother and father made me realize how special my parents are to me and how much they care about me. Brad mentioned that one of the main reasons they decided to host up with people students is because of his parents. He said that he feels as if he needed to give something back to his parents. So he chose to open his home to two students, Gwen and i. I feel so obligated because of this and i feel special. I'm glad Gwen and i got to be the two students to stay with them :]
I just wanted to share with you something very special that my host father shared with me. Brad's father Peter had some of the most incredible thoughts and they are random acts of kindness..for Pete's sake. Well Brad and his brother both decided to keep those random acts of kindness going and so i just wanted to share with everyone one of those cards:]

In memory of Peter G. Duin 1925-2006
Random Acts Of Kindness...For Pete's Sake
"This is the day the lord has made Rejoice! And be glad in it.
You can, Make a Difference!

How to be a Winner

1. Be more for-giving and less for getting.
2. Communicate a happy positive attitude to others.
3. Smile for others. Be happy, put laughter in your life.
4. Take a Genuine interest in others by listening with a keen sensitive ear.
5. Find and say something positive to every person you meet.
6. Do something special for someone each day that they may not be able to.
7. Be generous with your time and talents in helping others.
8. Be praise minded. Compliment and recognize achievement.
9. be creative. Stretch your imagination.
10. Strive to Learn something new every day.

Do It Now!
Be decisive and action oriented.

Thanks to the best host Dad EVER for sharing this wonderful gift:]

Saturday, July 12, 2008

and the journey begins

I got to Denver about 1pm yesterday. Let me just say that i have been here for a little over 24 hours and it's already life changing. When i got to the place where all the cast members met, i walked in so nervous and didn't know what to expect. By the time i walked out i felt like i already had made so many great friends. Friends that i would keep for life. People who want to make a difference and give something they have to the world. Creativity and ideas were filled in that one room. Just being in that room with all these new people, i realized how different everyone really is. It's amazing to see and experience. I'm so excited to get the opportunity to see what everyones opinions are, what they think, what their dreams are. It's very exciting. While we were getting to know each other, we played card games all afternoon while waiting for all the other flights get in. haha we all played this game that was like spoons, but something like DEATH bottles. It got pretty intense.
So i think i got REALLY lucky with my host family. I feel like i am at home right now.
My host family is the Duins. My host mom is Laura, dad, Brad. I also have 2 brothers, Grant, 20, Reese, 14, and a sister, Lindsay, 22. They ROCK! I have always wanted brothers, so it's perfect! They have a really great sense of humor too. Last night everyone was making fun of my country accent and how i say syrup and crayons. haha. We are going to the mountains tomorrow to ride four wheelers. They are very nice and just incredible for making Gwen and i feel at home. Speaking of that, my room mates name is Gwen. She's 23 and from Switzerland. She's very sweet and polite. :] Last night i went to sleep later than her and when i went downstairs to our room she wrote a note to me saying goodnight. It was really cute!
Anyway, i'm done writing for now. I still have so much to say, but it'll have to wait
much love!

Oh and they said we better plan on NOT sleeping for the next 6 months. how exciting!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Thank you

I would like to thank my family, neighbors, friends and the Kernersville Rotary Club for making this experience possible. If it wasn't for any of them, i might not be going.
For the Kernersville Rotary Club, thank you SO much for what you all have done.
Thanks for letting me come to tell you all about what i will be doing for the next 6 months with Up With People. I appreciate it very much and hope to come back to share what i have learned from this experience and what it has done for me. Thanks for making this opportunity a little bit more achievable. :]
For my parents, let me just say, you guys ROCK. Thank you so much for letting me do this, it means a lot. I know you guys probably want to kill me right now, because of my metal foot, but i appreciate you guys being so kind as to still giving me the chance to go. I love you guys so much and i know this trip will be worth every single penny you are spending on it.

ANYWAY, 9 days left and i get to meet my wonderful cast b :]

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

uwp schedule

Cast B 2008 Tour Schedule
July 11th - December 16th, 2008

** Tour cities and dates subject to change.**

United States:
Orientation: Denver, Colorado: July 11- August 11
Breckenridge,Colorado: August 11 - August 17

LaPaz: August 18 - August 25
Cabo: August 25 - September 1
Tepic: September 1 - September 8
Culiacan: September 8 - September 15
Hermosillo: September 15 - September 21

United States:
Arizona: September 22 - September 29
Albuquerque, New Mexico: September 29 - October 6
Colorado Springs, Colorado: October 6 - October 13
Salt Lake City, Utah: October 13 - October 20
Wyoming: October 20 - October 27
Wyoming / South Dakota: October 27 - November 3
Sioux Falls, South Dakota: November 3 - November 10
North Platte, Nebraska: November 10 - November 16

The Philippines:
Manila: November 17 - December 4
Cebu/Subic: Decemeber 5 - December 16
End of Tour - Decemeber 16


I honestly don't really know what i'm doing, but i'll figure it out. haha
I'm not that good with computer stuff.